Im giving it 5 star, but that doesnt mean the app is perfect. There so many redundant buttons lying around the app, so many buttons that do the same exact thing (for example, the "say the word" button should be only at the top bar). The only problem you have is the misused UI and buttons, sometimes they are not in the correct place or they shouldnt be used in the first place.
The app shouldnt auto-say a word when I tap on a certain word, because that doesnt make any sense, specially since there are literally 8 buttons for that specific function. The "Share" button should be in the bottom right corner, just like any other app out there.
The quick navigation button (the one with 3 dots) should be removed, because you already gave us the option to manage dictionaries and sort them, and scrolling is much more faster than pressing that button and choosing a certain dictionary or pressing the "scroll to top" button.
There are hidden features (or maybe you thought they were common sense) you should at least make a small tutorial indicating these features (double tap to search, swipe left/right .. etc).
Overall, the app is good and serves the main purpose which is translating words. As long as you dont tap on buttons you dont know, you should be fine
EnGxBaDeR about Arabic Dictionary - Dict Box